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Standard Operating Procedure

Your safety is our very highest priority, and so this page sets out our Standard Operating Procedure during these uncertain times:


The purpose of the below Standard Operating Procedure is to ensure all clients and staff follow the same code of conduct when on the premises and to minimise the risk of spreading the virus. 


General Guidelines:


If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms do not attend the class


Booking is essential for in person classes. This can be done via the Wix app or by contacting the instructor directly. 


We have increased frequency of daily cleaning and studio is extremely well ventilated before and after each class. The studio floor is steam cleaned between each and every class.


All customers are required to wear face mask to and from class, and to santize hands upon entry to the building and upon leaving the studio.


Attend in freshly washed gym kit and fill your water bottle before the class. 


Clients attending yoga and Pilates classes are required to bring their own equipment such as mats and other props. We cannot provide hands on assists during the pandemic. 


Keep two meter distance when waiting for your class.


Entrance to the building is via the normal back door route but exit will now be via the fire escape on the first floor to minimise the risk of mixing with anyone coming to another class.


When conducting a class the instructor will ensure: 

To comply with 2 meter rule we are strictly limiting the the number of clients in each class and each client must use our booking system.


Each client will have their own designated space indicated by tape on the floor. We kindly ask you not to leave your spot during the class.


At the end of the session, the instructor will ask all members to clean down all equipment and through away cleaning wipes in the bin on exit 

Instructors will be asked to guide members out of the exit only door, in correct socially distance fashion


The instructor will avoid moving around the class and also will stay within the desired teaching zone. 


During the session no one is allowed to leave the box they are in, no passing of drinks, equipment or cleaning materials is allowed. 



​How will ensure safe and effective practice is complied with at all times?


A reduced number of members will be in attendance at any time 

Staggered class start times to avoid overcrowding with at least 10 minutes between each class in the same area 

Members only with booking to all classes for track and trace 

Measured spacing for “zones” 

Sanitising stations provided throughout the building 

Open doors, windows to ensure constant air circulation

High professional standard cleaning products used at all times 

Regular and up to date staff training on Covid-19 compliance and regulations 



We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone with a high temperature or symptoms of Covid-19. We will take anyone with a positive test result or symptoms very seriously, we will follow this with the correct measures se.g. closing the studio if deemed necessary. The health and safety of our members and team is most importance to us. 


We take the privacy of your data very seriously. If required we may be asked by the NHS or contact tracing teams to process your data to support the contact tracing regime to help in their efforts to stamp out further infections and localised outbreaks. This is a crucial part of ensuring that our team and members remain safe whilst we open. In all cases the data processed would be kept to a minimum and in accordance with government guidelines. 


If you have any questions regarding our new procedures please email Neal on














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